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Support for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC)
Where to go for support as a BIPOC student
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Cultural Organizations
Emerson College boasts a vibrant array of student-run Cultural Organizations. While these groups are not staff-run departments, they serve as vital resources for students seeking community, understanding, and shared experiences. These organizations play a crucial role in promoting cultural awareness, diversity, and inclusion on campus.
Some cultural orgs have been around for decades while others have emerged much more recently to meet the current and evolving needs of our student community. These Cultural Organizations provide a space for students to find community, express their identities, and engage with others who share similar backgrounds and interests. They are an essential component of Emerson's commitment to fostering a diverse and inclusive campus environment.
Intercultural Student Affairs at Emerson centers humanity, compassion, and education at the forefront of everything we do. We honor, celebrate, and validate the narratives of marginalized voices, and in turn, support community-based advocacy, reflection, and action. In short, we want to create and hold space where people can be who they are.
The SJC works with and supports individuals and communities through personal and systems advocacy, community-centered projects, and radical care. We believe in individual and community self-determination and work in support of the agency of students, faculty, and staff, especially those from marginalized groups. We engage in an ongoing practice of praxis—reflection and action—and work to deepen our own liberatory practices and to create liberatory spaces for others.