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COVID-19 Concern
Concerns related to COVID-19
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Emerson Wellness Center Health Services
Emerson Wellness Center offers a variety of services to Emerson students. Health Services provides routine medical care including sick visits, urgent care visits, physical exams, immunizations, contraception counseling, STD testing and counseling, including PrEP, pregnancy testing and options counseling, and referral for other support services related to sexual assault, violence, and non-consensual contact. All services are confidential.
The work of the Division of Student Affairs is guided by the belief that intellectual and personal development are inseparable and that a healthy and caring campus environment is essential to the growth of the whole student.
The Campus Life Suite is home to the following offices:
Student Engagement and Leadership (SEAL)
Community Standards
Housing and Residential Education
Off-Campus Student Services
New Student Programs and Transitions
VP of Student Affairs and Dean of Campus Life