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Academic Advising Center
Our experienced team of professional advisors help undergraduate students create academic plans so that they can make the most of their time on campus and efficiently achieve their educational goals. Students at Emerson have diverse options when it comes to course selection, and our dedicated advisors ensure that each student can make the informed decisions necessary for a fulfilling academic experience. We connect students to the wide array of college-wide resources so that they can chart the best path forward on their academic journey. We also facilitate the mentorship provided by faculty advisors—relationships that often last long after graduation.
The Career Development Center is the hub for career education, resources, and experiential learning opportunities at Emerson College. Our office offers students and alumni a variety of services including but not limited to resume & cover letter reviews, interview preparation, and individual career counseling.
Students may encounter obstacles or difficulties associated with college life—academic, financial, personal, interpersonal, or wellness—or simply seek greater connection and support. Emerson has fantastic resources designed to address the holistic needs of students.
We provide a holistic perspective on student success, encompassing positive outcomes for both students and Emerson College.
We empower students by translating their academic and personal aspirations into tangible actions with individualized guidance and an extensive network of resources.
Focusing on student retention, student satisfaction and degree completion, we contribute to an inclusive and socially just community that promotes collaboration, access, belonging, foundation setting, academic and personal growth.
Food Pantry Initiative: This initiative combats food insecurity, ensuring all students, including those from BIPOC communities, have access to food.
Student Assistance Fund (SAF) - Emergency Relief: The SAF offers financial aid to students facing unexpected hardships, prioritizing the continuation of their education without financial barriers.
These efforts reinforce the office's holistic approach to student support, focusing on essential needs for student success.
120 Boylston Street (Walker), suite 211
Boston, MA 02116
120 Boylston Street (Walker), suite 211, Boston, MA 02116