- Abusive relationship
- Academic dishonesty
- Accepting cultural differences
- Addiction
- Alcohol abuse
- Anxiety
- Assault
- Bad breakup
- Bias
- Body image
- Boredom
- Bullying and cyberbullying
- COVID-19 Concern
- Can't go home for breaks
- Concerned about Current Events
- Conflict
- Confused about sexuality
- Culture shock
- Depression
- Difficulty communicating with my parents or family
- Difficulty communicating with professor
- Domestic disputes
- Experienced a crime
- Experiencing Discrimination
- Experiencing Harrassment
- Failing grades
- Family or personal crisis
- Family pressures
- Feeling fatigued
- Feeling isolated
- Finding my group of friends
- General housing concerns
- Grief and loss
- Hazing
- Health advice
- Health insurance questions
- Help with writing
- Identity
- Immigration
- LGBTQIA+ Support
- Mental Health Concerns
- Microaggression
- Missing home or friends
- Need a quiet space on campus to study or have a zoom meeting
- Nutrition
- Overscheduled
- Peer pressure
- Pregnancy
- Problems with a professor or staff member
- Quarantine/Isolation Concern
- Questions about Transgender/Gender Identity
- Referals to medical specialists
- Rejection
- Romantic partner problems
- Roommate or housemate problems
- Safety
- Self esteem
- Sexual assault
- Sexually transmitted disease or infection
- Should I take time off?
- Smoking, tobacco use, vaping
- Stalking
- Stress
- Struggling with class(es)
- Support for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC)
- Taking a health leave of absence (HLOA)
- Theft
- Thoughts of suicide
- Trouble sleeping
- Veteran Support
- Want to be more active